How Is a Dental Implant Scarborough Procedure Performed?

Dental implants in Scarborough have revolutionized tooth replacement by being durable and attractive. This method has numerous crucial steps for implant success. Patients might feel more confident and educated about dental implants by understanding the procedure. The dentist examines the patient's dental health and bone structure to provide a good implant base. 

Steps to perform Dental implants Scarborough procedure

Implant Placement

Implant implantation may begin when the jawbone is ready. A titanium implant post is surgically inserted into the jawbone to behave as a tooth root. For anxiety or relaxation, medication is provided during the operation, which is usually done under local anesthesia. 

Initial Consultation and Preparation

A Dental implant in Scarborough, like an oral surgeon or periodontist, consults and evaluates patients before placing dental implants. In this step, the dentist evaluates the patient's dental health, jawbone, and implant placement using comprehensive X-rays or 3D scans. To provide enough bone structure for the implant, teeth extractions or bone grafts may be needed.

Abutment and Crown Placement

After the dental implants, Scarborough integrates with the jawbone, and an abutment is placed on the post. The gum is reopened to reveal the implant and secure the abutment in this simple surgery. After the gum tissue surrounding the abutment heals, a bespoke dental crown is produced to match the patient's natural teeth's form, size, and color. 


How lengthy is the dental implant process?

Dental implant placement might take months or years, depending on the patient. After the first consultation, bone grafting, implant insertion, and osseointegration healing, the abutment and crown are placed.

Is dental implant surgery painful?

Since dental implants are placed under local anesthesia, most patients experience little pain. Over-the-counter pain drugs generally relieve post-operative discomfort and swelling within a few days. 


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